
Challenging Your Property Tax Assessment?

It's that time of year, your property tax assessments are arriving in the mail. Are you checking your assessment to make sure that it's accurate in today's market? If you feel that your assessment is too high there are some simple steps that you can take to challenge your assessment with your municipality.
- Compare your records to the assessor's records. Speak with the assessor, many times errors of fact can be corrected automatically without board review.
- If you are required to present to the review board, make sure you understand which properties the assessor used to determine your properties value, then find recent sales of properties similar to yours.
- For additional help, you may also consider hiring a licensed appraiser.

For additional tips, please see the following article:


Could You Be A Good Neighbor Next Door?

Familiarize yourself with the basics of HUD's Good
Neighbor Next Door Program
  • The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development would like to promote home ownership and revitalize urban areas.
  • The Good Neighbor Next Door program encourages full time Law Enforcement Officers, Teachers, Firefighters, and Emergency Responders to purchase and live in homes in revitalization areas.
  • The home may be purchased at a 50 percent discount from the list price! 

  •  You must live in the home for three years to take complete advantage of the grant.

By following this link to http://www.hudhomestore.com/Home/GNND.aspx, you can easily view the many homes that are available near you.

As always, we welcome any questions you have on this program or any other real estate topic.


Make Your Home Winter Ready

Getting yourself ready for winter is a snap. Gloves? Check! Scarf? Right here. But readying your home for a long, cold season is another sto...